My ‘Shit Day’ self-care routine

If I’m honest, it’s been a shit week.

There are many contributing factors: the weather, the uncertainty of my job security, my increasingly anxious and difficult-to-manage mother, my headphones are broken (this last point probably seems minor, but it means I can no longer complete my Spanish lessons and am unable to listen to music or podcasts on my walks/runs. Which means I’m not really walking/running anymore).

People the world over are dealing with shit days, many of them much shitter than mine. I am so incredibly lucky that my woes aren’t overly serious but regardless – I can’t help how I’m feeling right now.

What I CAN do, is treat the fuck out of myself with some self-care.

Step 1: DIY Day Spa

When I DIY Day Spa, I go all out. Think multi-layered haircare regime, deep cleanse and nourishment of my face and body, bubble-bath with a good book and just the right combo of essential oils.

Theres nothing like a fresh set of locks to lift my mood.

I start off with a deep cleanse using my Lush Cosmetics Jason and the Argan Oil Shampoo Bar. This miracle bar has too many pros to count:

  • Packed with Argan oil, full of fatty acids and Vitamin E
  • Delivers to-die-for softness and shine, thanks to glycerine
  • Devoid of harsh chemicals
  • Package-free and planet-friendly
  • Smells like a literal orgasm

I then follow this delightful, natural cleanse with a shitload of chemicals.

I wish I didn’t have to, but as an unnaturally ashy-blonde, I need a good quality purple shampoo to tone out the yucky yellows which develop over time.

Enter: Fanola No Yellow Shampoo.

This stuff stinks and will stain your hands and nails blue for days – but trust me, it works. Leave it in for 5 mins max, and don’t use it more than once a week.

Finally, in an attempt to reverse all the damage that the Fanola No Yellow has just done, I lather my locks in Briorgio’s Don’t Despair, Repair! Deep Conditioning Mask.

It’s ultra-hydrating. It’s revitalising. It’s cruelty-free. It’s the best goddamn Kris-Kringle present I’ve ever received.

Once it’s dried off and brushed through, my mop is brighter, bouncier and shinier. I might feel shit, but at least my hair looks fab.

Next – the bubble bath of your dreams

I’m talking scorching hot. I’m talking red wine. I’m talking essential oils to set your soul on fire. I’m talking LUX-UR-Y.

First of all, let me say this: if you can draw yourself a steaming hot bath and pour yourself a glass of fine red wine (or a glass of $5-$10 red wine, either will work) then that’s all you really need at the crux of it.

However, if you have access to good quality essential oils, a Spotify Premium account and any book by Louise L Hay, you have hit the motherlode of all good baths my friend.

Lavender, frankincense and rose are my favourite combo of essential oils for a ‘Shit Day’ bath. Essential oil devotees will tell you that you need bath salts to help disperse them but this is a load of BS. Ain’t nobody got time for acquiring bath salts, so if you’ve got oils, just drop those suckers straight in.

Step 2: Guilty-pleasure-but-also-guilt-free baking

I find baking to be a deeply therapeutic activity, and also I have an unquenchable sweet tooth.

This is a fantastic combination when I’m having a ‘Shit Day’.

If you’ve never tried baking, hear me out. I never used to like it either. But since I’ve realised that I can cook myself healthy, guilt-free treats which satisfy my sweet cravings and also boost my mood, I’ve never looked back.

My go-to ‘Shit Day’ recipes include:

  1. Chocolate Covered Katie’s Chewy Keto Chocolate Chip Cookies

They’re sugar-free, low-carb, and they only take 10 minutes to make. Also – they only make 5 cookies. So when the Shit Day hits, you can whip ’em up in no time and devour the whole lot without feeling bad about it.

2. Detoxinsta’s Coconut Flour Pancakes

Again – sugar-free and low-carb. Taste like heaven and you can top them with berries, maple syrup, chocolate sauce and a load of other feel-good ingredients. Also take no time to make and you can smash them in one go.

3. Fat For Weight Loss’ Keto Ferrero Rochers

They’re a little more complicated and time-consuming to make, but these healthy, home-made Ferrero Rochers are TO DIE FOR.

Anyone who tells you they don’t like Ferrero Rochers are liars and I won’t hear another word about it. If you’re experiencing the all-encompassing feels of a ‘Shit Day’ then carve out a couple of hours to make these.

Step 3: An electric blanket, a Netflix account and a coupla cats.

So simple, yet effective.

NOTHING makes me feel better than my two ginger pussy-cats, Charlie and Clarrie.

A close second is my electric blanket, which somewhat emulates the warmth I get from my pussy-cats when they snuggle either side of me.

And coming in last but not least, is a good (or awful) TV show which I just cannot seem to turn off. Over the years the TV shows which have graced my Netflix screen on a ‘Shit Day’ have included The Office, Gilmore Girls, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Money Heist, Community, Pretty Little Liars, The 100 and Sense8 just to name a few.

I know there’s this whole movement of “get up and exercise!”, “kick goals and eat well!” and “look after your health!” which have monopolised the self-care market recently but if I know one thing it’s this: when you feel like fucking shit and just need a day to chill, nothing beats Netflix in bed with your cats.


What do you do to lift your spirits on a ‘Shit Day’? Let me know in the comments below!

Feature image by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash


  1. Love that for you! Lately, I’ve been going up to our roof around 4pm-6pm and setting up a mattress and pillows so that I can have a space alone for myself. I usually read a book or read blogs there. It’s not luxury but it has a good view and a nice breeze. It’s very relaxing! Glad that you spend time taking care of yourself in your own way!

    Liked by 1 person


    1. I would KILL for a rooftop view! You’ve got it figured out girl. What are you reading at the moment? In these uncertain times we need to look after ourselves, whatever that may look like.



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